Welcome to The Dish - a place where we will be sharing delicious food ideas, seasonal inspiration for your kitchen, news and updates about Supper Studio & personal happenings.

It has been a whirlwind of excitement since opening in August 2017! We (sisters and owners -Lori & Leah) have embraced the ups and downs of owning this wonderful business, and we absolutely relish in the fact that we are able to make busy lives a little less busy. Our customers are moms and dads with kids in activities, brand new parents who are feeling exhausted but still hungry, bachelors who want to eat real food that isn’t difficult to prepare, retired couples and singles who find it hard to cook for one or two, those who have had the unfortunate experience of a sick loved one and even those who have had to live through the tragedy of losing one they love. When times get tough (whatever tough looks like) – keeping a belly full of nourishing food can go a long way.

Something we have found both heartwarming and satisfying, is that more and more of our customers are gifting meals to friends and family – we LOVE that we get to play a part in helping out.

Our hope is that this blog will inspire you in the kitchen, help you through a bad day, or make you giggle at some of the silly things we do to each other (because sisters can be really silly)! Maybe you’ll get a small glimpse inside our crazy lives too!

So, make sure to follow us on social media as that’s where all the good stuff happens, and sign up for the newsletter because we want to keep you informed about all the assembly dates, workshops, classes and other news happening at the Studio.

As always, we appreciate all of your feedback!


Lori and Leah

Lori Nikkel