Meal Plan Week Nine


Our break over the holidays was amazing but we are back at it! We have over a week of 2020 under our belt and are settling into the new year. There are no more turkey leftovers in the fridge and we are back to our regular school routine (thank goodness!). Here’s our meal plan for the coming week along with a list of groceries you’ll need. Let us know if you’ve got questions! Have the best week! ~ Leah and Lori

MONDAY - Thai Chicken Salad Wraps. You will also be using shredded chicken for supper on Thursday so I recommend cooking and shredding all your chicken today. ***TIP: put your chicken in the instant pot or oven and cook till done. While it’s still hot put it all in a stand mixer and turn it on low. it will shred beautifully!

TUESDAY - Baked Ziti. This is a super quick dinner that can be served with raw veggies and dip or even some cheese bread. Two things about this one: after it’s cooked and cooled it freezes really well. Our grocery list doesn’t include enough ingredients to double it but this is for sure something you could do. Also, I put store bought marinara on the list. You may have some that you made and froze already, or you can make your own with our recipe here.
WEDNESDAY - Chorizo Burrito Bowl from Supper Studio. This one is best when fresh so make sure to order this one ahead of time! To order, head to our website here.

THURSDAY - Chicken Caesar Salad with garlic bread. This is where you’ll use the chicken you already cooked and shredded on Monday. Add some cooked bacon - I cut my raw bacon into bite sized pieces and fry in a frying pan. Romaine lettuce, croutons, bacon, parmesan cheese, shredded chicken.

FRIDAY - fridge (leftovers)

SATURDAY - Thai Quinoa Bowl from Supper Studio. This one is vegetarian and full of peanuts and peanut butter, so if you’ve got an allergy you’ll want to switch it up. If you have any leftover shredded chicken, it tastes super stinking delicious in this meal.

SUNDAY - Sloppy Joes - serve with carrot sticks, celery and ranch. This makes a ton so make sure to invite company over or you can freeze this for later or save for lunches.


  • 2.5 lbs chicken breasts

  • 1 lb italian sausage

  • 1 package bacon

  • 2 lbs ground beef (freeze when you get this home)

  • 1.5 cups coleslaw

  • bunch of green onion

  • bunch of cilantro

  • 1 lime

  • butter lettuce

  • 2 white onions

  • 2 heads romaine lettuce

  • 1 green pepper

  • head of broccoli

  • one bunch celery

  • 2 lb bag carrots

  • block of mozzarella

  • 1 cup ricotta cheese

  • 1 cup parmesan

  • ceasar salad dressing

  • ranch veggie dip

  • package of tortillas

  • garlic bread (freeze this when you get home)

  • 1 dozen buns (freeze these when you get home)

  • croutons

  • 1 package penne noodles

  • 32 oz marinara

  • 2 cups tomato sauce

  • peanuts

    PANTRY ITEMS (check if you have these on hand. If not, add them to your list)

  • peanut butter

  • soya sauce

  • brown sugar

  • sesame oil

  • garlic

  • red pepper falkes

  • italian seasoning

  • ketchup

  • dry mustard

  • salt & pepper

  • worcestershire sauce

  • white vinegar

Lori Nikkel