Cheesy Zucchini Quiche

There are so many great ways to use up that abundance of zucchini. Other than offering it for free at the end of your driveway or secretly leaving it on your neighbours front step you can also bring it to work and give it away. Or… you can make this awesome quiche and enjoy the fruits of your gardening labor.

I have no need to try and grow anything in a garden because I, Lori, have Leah to grow all the things I need. She has brought me at least 6 or 7 arm sized squash that i have sitting on the counter just making me feel like I need to get moving and make all the things.

You’re going to want to start with pie crusts. This recipe makes two quiches so you have a choice- Make your own or buy. I always buy, Leah does not. Its a running joke between my mom and I because, one year, my mom thought it would be terribly funny to purchase me a rolling pin, pie plates and a stack of recipe cards for JUST making pie. What a terrible gift for someone that hates making pie dough.

Thaw and prebake your crusts for 10-12 minutes at 350 while you prep the veggies and eggs.

I started with about 4 inches of each large zucchini and used my mandoline to slice them very thinly. I ended up with about 5 cups total of green and yellow. Cook them over medium heat with a bit of olive oil, garlic and 1 medium onion, diced. They’ll need about 8-10 minutes to soften.

While those are cooking, mix the following in a large bowl:

12 eggs

1 cup cottage cheese or ricotta

1 cup milk

salt, pepper to taste

fresh or dry basil, 1 tsp

1 cup shredded cheese (I used cheddar and gouda)

Split and spread evenly the zucchini mixture between both crusts, doing the same with the egg mixture. Sprinkle a little extra cheese on top and then pop them in the oven for 40-50 minutes. Leave sit for 10 minutes before serving. We had these for supper last night but they are great for brunch, packing lunches or even giving away. As freezer meal prep you can totally freeze these. Wrap tightly with plastic wrap after cooling and freeze in air tight bags. Then just thaw and reheat when ready to eat.

I really hope you love these as much as we did! Let us know in the comments if you made any changes!
